writing ≠ thinking
The Careful Guide to Quitting
We don’t have to explore why you quit your job. That’s entirely up to you. But if you’ve decided to quit your job, we need to work through the steps that make it an experience that can be rewarding and fulfilling. Yes you read that right.
Three (Management) Things
Managing any new team can be challenging. Here I present a few quick tips which served me well through building and leading teams.
Exciting times!
The Minimal Interview
Thought exercise: if you had five minutes to conduct a programming interview, how would you go about it? What would you ask? I would ask two questions..
Diversity, Tech & Getting in the Door
I was surprised at my initial reaction to a completely unsurprising tweet: there are half as many African Americans and Hispanics in tech as the rest of the private sector.
Github Marketplace is Killing the Marketplace
I found it interesting that Appcanary is shutting down and being acquired by GitHub. In January, Gemnasium announced it is soon to follow, being folded into GitLab.
Streaming Music and Gen X
I grew up approaching music as something you own and collect. Hear it, like it, and (if you can afford it), buy it. Ownership of media conveyed a statement, and, in a way, music purchases were subsumed into self-identity.
They Launched a Car?
SpaceX launch with the Starman There might be better pictures, but it’s the screen grab on my phone a short while after watching the launch. Amazing to watch.
On MacOS Gaming
I will always remember the late 90s / early 00s as a period where I still had some free time, some disposable income, and a Mac. To the extent that games could be played on those Macs, turn-based and retro/arcade-style games were the ones I gravitated toward.
Let’s revisit this a bit…
Handling a Crisis
You will never be as level-headed and capable of handling a crisis as when you aren’t in the middle of one. “What will I do if my car breaks down?” That’s an excellent question to ask yourself before your car breaks down. I’m lazy when planning many things, but cars can break down, so this seems like the right question to ask before a long trip or a critical errand. Not during.